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Neighborhood Development & Design; LEED AP

Sustainability Consultant; SCSP

Certified Project Manager; CPM

Eileen M. O’Neill is a LEED AP credentialed by the United States Green Building Council, Wash D.C., a Certified Senior Sustainability Professional, SCSP and Certified Project Manager

Eileen has specialized in Neighborhood Development & Design for LEED certification projects and has added Healthcare Design to her specialization.

Eileen has been an active participant in Neighborhood Development for the past 21 years, serving in multiple roles consulting Municipal and State conservation steering efforts, traffic calming initiatives, conservation education, sustainability compliance initiatives in partnership with the League of Women Voters, green sustainability commissions, Land Trusts, private development

Eileen has served as a Leader in Community organizing and development including online CE education course development and implementation in Neighborhood Sustainability, has served on the membership and marketing committees for the CT Green Building Council and for the United States Green Building Council in the implementation of the certification category in: Social Impact.

 Eileen began her interest in Neighborhood Development & Design as a community organizer of several grassroots oriented projects in her own neighborhood. Collaborative team initiatives include Local, State and Federal government involvement to preserve and create places people love to be.

 Eileen's vision of sustainable neighborhood pattern and design includes walkable and bike-able, communities with a keen effort on conservation of natural resources.

Eileen's goal is to assist you to create sustainable environment's that regenerate themselves while, minimizing the negative impact of traditional infrastructure on organizations, communities, dwellings and individuals.

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